Great Allies
Dear reader, right now i want you to watch the following picture:
Well, how was that? I bet you've seen this work before, but in case you've never had, let me introduce you to the wonderful M.C. Escher and his artwork called "Relativity". Their disturbing visual paradoxes is what captures the attention of the observer at the instant, probably what happened to you. And is that this drawing plays with gravity, which is exerted in three different axes and each one define a different world. That's why different people share a same space without noticing the presence of those ones who are on the other "side".
All this mixture in Escher's work, up - down, frontal - side, different dimensions in one image, result tremendously beautiful because of the mathematics it has within it.
And until this point you may be asking Maths? Arts? is that even possible?
Well, let me just say that actually, these two are great allies, at least as far as what visual arts refers. From a long time ago, several artists and designers have been using this mathematical techniques to make great works of art, and for not confusing the reader with all of the complicated names and complex ways to achieve this forms of art, i'm just going to say that geometry is beauty. Geometry, symmetry, well done lines, and that kind of stuff is normally the basis of the aesthetics, and if you don't believe me or the studied rules of maths in art, the only thing i can do is give to you the names of some of my favorites artworks, so you can judge it for yourself.
-Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus) - Salvador Dalí
-Vitruvian Man - L. Da Vinci
-Black and white - Cartier Bresson
-David, Goliat winner - Caravaggio
María Paula Acuña
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